Stuart & Jill

Welcome to our website. The Taylor household has been described by various words but nutty was the most recent. Pretty apt, really! We're a couple with a keen interest in modeling, Jill with dolls houses and Stuart with railways.

For the record we live in Reading, we got married in September 1984 (you can do the maths), we don't have children so we can indulge in hobbies. It's fair to say we also indulge in cruises hence the picture on the right.

I forgot the cat! Pebbles is the current incumbent, joined us in May 2017 from the Cat's Protection League and is now the real boss of the house.

As of September 2017 this website is having a major facelift. Stuart's hobby is mainly seen under the railways tab on this this website with more frequent updates appearing on his blog here

If you want to follow some of Jill's activities then there is some material under the dolls house tab on this website with her updates appearing on Facebook here.